
Who are these folks? In short, hardcore Virgens (Virtual Degens) in the Prototype trenches that scouts for high potential teams & ideas and fund them early. Except they aren’t mercenary and have been net contributive to attracting more high quality talents to the ecosystem. Funds will be disbursed soon and more details will be added to this doc

Note that this list is a LIVE on-going list that will be periodically updated


P2S Trenchor Public Wallets X Handle
Sekoia 0x4A1AB7fEc9e33Fdae6c77055364065aE3684c57E @sekoia_virtuals
WAI Combinator 0x3E9531b0b844E66A9C35702C260e73101Ed94f71 @wai_combinator
Vader 0xEebc1A91E68d309AE1fa6cCCC5FBFcEa4E8dE3f9 @Vader_AI_
Vainguard 0x1241B10dEc04D9387C8B107b4A5c2faB9D2c9bD8 @vainguard_ai
Ghost93_x 0xBeAe1f74e761De24e0e5943c0Ab95A87521E267f @ghost93_x
0xJeff 0x4c6ec0ad373261d301289291456fdce91c9c9429 @Defi0xJeff
Nickplayscrypto 0x2cF630D9DF619608400bDC3Cf2aAAB1E0042a446 @NickPlaysCrypto
Graeme 0xD6E26F2B5aDfE5f975aC416AE7D4eaEA0aC652C1 @gkisokay
100xDarren 0x9E91587251F985A55DD901e4d1Dfd0653BcB52A4 @100xDarren