Who are these folks? In short, hardcore Virgens (Virtual Degens) in the Prototype trenches that scouts for high potential teams & ideas and fund them early. Except they aren’t mercenary and have been net contributive to attracting more high quality talents to the ecosystem. Funds will be disbursed soon and more details will be added to this doc
Note that this list is a LIVE on-going list that will be periodically updated
P2S Trenchor | Public Wallets | X Handle |
Sekoia | 0x4A1AB7fEc9e33Fdae6c77055364065aE3684c57E | @sekoia_virtuals |
WAI Combinator | 0x3E9531b0b844E66A9C35702C260e73101Ed94f71 | @wai_combinator |
Vader | 0xEebc1A91E68d309AE1fa6cCCC5FBFcEa4E8dE3f9 | @Vader_AI_ |
Vainguard | 0x1241B10dEc04D9387C8B107b4A5c2faB9D2c9bD8 | @vainguard_ai |
Ghost93_x | 0xBeAe1f74e761De24e0e5943c0Ab95A87521E267f | @ghost93_x |
0xJeff | 0x4c6ec0ad373261d301289291456fdce91c9c9429 | @Defi0xJeff |
Nickplayscrypto | 0x2cF630D9DF619608400bDC3Cf2aAAB1E0042a446 | @NickPlaysCrypto |
Graeme | 0xD6E26F2B5aDfE5f975aC416AE7D4eaEA0aC652C1 | @gkisokay |
100xDarren | 0x9E91587251F985A55DD901e4d1Dfd0653BcB52A4 | @100xDarren |